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Heya! Koni Here! :P Uhh, Amazing game, I loved the mechanics, and the janky humor was amazing, but uhh some feedback, the wall jump/climb felt kinda clunky but it was actually more fun cuz it was clunky, if you catch my drift :P. And I would appreciate a health bar on the bosses, also after I  beat the final boss, I  just got stuck in the area/room of the boss, no cutscene, maybe I did something wrong?

Boss hp thingy fixed!! And for the boss thing? Uhh that didnt happen to anybody else, you can just close the page and reload your save with shift you'll be at the boss again.

Thanks :P

Crazy fun! If you could upload a downloadable version that would be nice since my computer is bad so it has some performance problems on web.

It really is unfinished. But somehow it still keeps me playing. Your description made me believe it is fast-paced reaction-based game, but gameplay was little too slow for it. And yet, I can see some potential. Would be glad to revisit more polished version! Now I paused after getting walljump.

- projectiles can be redirected repeatedly stucking in place, making it impossible to "run'n'gun"('n'fun)

- pogo does not seem to work (if by pogo you mean Hollow knight -style pogoing)

- wall juamp can be spammed to climb walls

- space is jump, but no double jump

- level layout is little bit maze-y, but map was not found

- final goal is not clear

- boss tree was killed by X-mashing

- reed eye-walls connot be killed (right?), but it is not clear at first. I think eyes make them seem alive == killable

most of those are fixed , now just gotta implement the goal, map (also pogoing does work?)

will update the game frequently in the three day grace period